• The California Democratic Party Organizing Convention wraps up today, with Senator Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro scheduled to speak. A total of 14 presidential hopefuls came to SF for the weekend, but Joe Biden went to Ohio instead. [NBC Bay Area]
  • With California being an early primary state in 2020, the candidates are having to strategize differently that others have in the past. The state's vast size and expensive media markets mean that the top tier are likely at an advantage, though Kamala Harris's advantage over Sanders, Biden, and Warren is no longer clear. [New York Times]
  • A protester stormed the stage at the convention during a MoveOn.org debate on Saturday featuring Kamala, grabbing the microphone from her. The animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere has claimed responsibility for the incident, but it seems that no one heard anything the guy wanted to say. [CBS SF]
  • Governor Gavin Newsom hosted a fundraiser for Kamala at the Pacific Heights home of Gordon and Ann Getty on Friday. [New York Times]
  • There was a shooting this morning at a hotel in Pleasant Hill, but no one was reportedly injured. [CBS SF]
  • The East Bay city of Dublin saw rainbow-flag waving protesters Saturday after a decision not to display a Pride flag at City Hall for the month of June. [NBC Bay Area]
  • Bernie Sanders held a rally Saturday in San Jose that was attended by "thousands" of supporters. [NBC Bay Area]