After a balmy, sunny weekend brought everybody out to San Francisco's favorite party park, Rec & Parks is saying that people are getting much better at carrying out their own trash and not leaving it all on the ground like animals.

Remember the Great Trashpocalypse of 2015? And then the "Love Dolores" campaign that was meant to combat it that a Rec & Parks gardener called "useless" in 2016? Even as recently as 2017, a warm weekend in April produced a reported 460 bags of not-properly-disposed-of trash.

We barely had a summer last year, so maybe people have shaken their bad, slovenly habits. But a rep for Rec & Parks tells SFGate today that, actually, the cleanup after this past weekend wasn't half bad. "Throughout the course of the weekend, park staff collected 65 bags of trash left in the park — substantially less than what we've [typically] seen on the first hot day of the year," Rec and Park spokesperson Madison Sink tells the Gate.

Sunday, the warmer of the two days, was apparently the best in terms of a lighter trash pickup required afterwards, compared to Saturday.

So, sure, we all KNOW it's inconvenient that most of the park's trash receptacles are WAY far away at the northern and eastern ends of the park. And there aren't really enough of them to accommodate the 10,000 or so people that descend on a sunny weekend. But for god's sake, who raised you? Pick up your shit.

Previously: Rec & Parks Gardener Calls 'Love Dolores' Campaign 'Useless', Rails Against 'F**king Awful' Park-Goers [SFist]

Photo by Dolores Parks Works