San Francisco is a beer-loving town if ever there was one, and this week marks the third annual installment of a smaller-scale beer fest than the annual Beer Week Gala that went down in February, the SF Maritime Beer Fest that takes place aboard the USS Pampanito right behind the Musée Mechanique at Pier 45. Tickets are still available for the fest the only one, maybe anywhere, that takes place on board a submarine and the fun starts Thursday, April 27 at 6 p.m.
Sponsor breweries include Magnolia, Sierra Nevada, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Firestone Walker, Anchor Brewing, and Speakeasy, with more tapping their kegs as well, and tickets include unlimited tastings, a souvenir tasting mug, free appetizers, beer talks, and a chance to talk to a bevy of local brewers.
Proceeds go to benefit the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association's education programs, which you can learn more about here. In addition to the Pampanito, the national park includes a Maritime Museum in the historic Aquatic Park Bathhouse Building, and a collection of historic vessels along the Hyde Street Pier, including the square-rigger from 1886 the Balclutha.
Find tickets to the SF Maritime Beer Fest here general admission is $45, with VIP admission for $65, and SF Maritime National Park Association members get in for $25.