Can't Touch This!! @RealCoachCarter with the moves from his days being on tour with @MCHammer ! #LetsGo 👌
— SanJoseStateFootball (@SJSUSpartanFB) April 8, 2017
First-year running backs coach for San Jose State University's football team, Alonzo Carter, busted out some MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" moves on the field recently, and a video posted by the team to Twitter has gone locally viral because, in fact, Carter was one of the original backup dancers on Hammer's tour.
As NBC Bay Area and ABC 7 report, Carter still knows the moves well, and showed off for the players to get them motivated.
Carter recently told his story to the campus newspaper The Spear, explaining that he was born and raised in West Oakland, and went to audition for MC Hammer in the late 1980's when he held auditions for a music video at Sweet Jimmy's in downtown Oakland. Carter also holds the distinction of choreographing "Can't Touch This," and he spent nine months on the Please Hammer Don’t Hurt Him tour in 1990 as the tour's dance lead.
“1990 changed my life,” Carter tells The Spear, saying he also performed at the Grammys that year and with Oprah Winfrey on her show.
After re-enrolling in school in 1992 and trying to get back to playing football, Carter ended up becoming a track coach at his and Hammer's alma mater, McClymonds High School. He later became a football coach there in 2000, and after that a coach at Berkeley High School, leading that team to three consecutive state championships.