The Golden Gate Bridge, famous for its red-orange hue, became a sea of purple on Friday morning as thousands of peaceful demonstrators wearing that color — a symbol of unity against bullying according to organizers — joined hands in a human chain across the bridge from San Francisco to Marin.
“This is a collaborative, grassroots, community-based demonstration and performance art piece,” organizers indicated, in contrast to a protest. But still the demonstration of unity feels inseparable from the divisive proceedings of the presidential inauguration on the other coast.

Folks gather along Golden Gate Bridge during "peaceful demonstration" to "promote love and positivity."
— NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) January 20, 2017
In planning for the event, identified as "Bridge Together" and the first such hands-across-the bridge event ever, organizers wrote that "3,000 participants will be allowed on the bridge itself" based on the permitting they'd acquired, while more, including volunteer organizers, were welcome to extend the chain farther North and South. Per the Marin County Sheriff, just before 11 a.m., the numbers were above 2,000 on the bridge.
Approximately 2200 peaceful #bridgetogethergg participants on the GGB right now. Walkway is at about 50% capacity.
— Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) January 20, 2017
Later, those swelled by several hundred, and according to David Morris, a co-organizer of the event, they eventually reached 3,000.
Impressive sign of unity at the #bridgetogethergg event. Appears to be stabilized at approximately 2500 people.
— Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) January 20, 2017
According to the official Facebook group for the event, banners and signs were disallowed on the bridge for safety reasons, as they could distract drivers and cause accidents.
#bridgetogethergg organizers emphasize event at #GoldenGateBridge NOT a #Trump protest .. still..event beanies carry message
— RobertHanda (@RHandaNBC) January 20, 2017
"I'm filled with gratitude right now," Morris, a 41-year-old organizer of the event, told SFist, thanking his 150 dedicated volunteers. "We participated in togetherness, we cheered together, we had moments so silence... I'm seeing faces not necessarily filled with joy, but they're hopeful."
Flint family came from #Cupertino to be part of #bridgetogethergg. Wanted to be involved in a 'unity' event on #InaugurationDay
— RobertHanda (@RHandaNBC) January 20, 2017
"The weather was definitely a factor," Morris admitted, adding that "it probably knocked our numbers down, and with good reason. The conditions were changing quickly: There were spotty showers earlier but it's been clear for the last 90 minutes though. It was cold, but we stayed positive."
Morris, who has lived in San Francisco since 1999, considers himself a product of the City through institutions like SF State and Golden Gate University Law School. He's a bicycle commuter who frequently rides across the bridge. "It's not everywhere in the world you can organize something like this," he says.
Describing the view as he prepared to leave the bridge, Morris conveyed "an epic scene: High puffy clouds, sunshine over San Francisco, and over the bay channel itself the sky is open. You can see Angel Island, Tiburon, and Belvedere beyond." In the future, Morris hopes to work on more unifying events and moments, capitalizing on the network built for today's demonstration.
Golden Gate Bridge sidewalk filling with demonstrators. #bridgetogethergg needs ~2700 to hold hands across entire span.
— Jenna Lane (@jennalane) January 20, 2017
On Golden Gate Bridge
— MengerAnderson (@kma500) January 20, 2017
Meanwhile, more disruptive protests also occurred this morning, these at the Caltrain commuter rail station near downtown SF. Another chain of people, more literally bound together with actual chain link, blocked tracks and closed train traffic in both directions just after 8:30 a.m. according to the Chronicle. A reporter on the ground claims 11 protesters have been arrested.
Second dispersal order issued at Caltrains tracks in #SF. Protestors tells me they're still deciding whether to move #InaugurationDay
— Sarah Ravani (@SarRavani) January 20, 2017
Chains are being broken. Caltrains #SF
— Sarah Ravani (@SarRavani) January 20, 2017
Third arrest underway at Caltrains in #SF
— Sarah Ravani (@SarRavani) January 20, 2017
11 arrested and being taken to Northern Station in SF
— Sarah Ravani (@SarRavani) January 20, 2017