- SF asks you to not to sweep your shit into the street, where it will clog the storm drain and cause flooding. [KRON 4]
Witnessing an assault from the 19 Polk. [Fog City Notes]
- SF rents might be down, but they're still the highest in the country. [Curbed SF]
- SFPD awarded for autism training video. [KRON 4]
- SF State housing hit with burglary wave. [Golden Gate Xpress]
- Ingleside residents are on edge following a pair of recent homicides in the area. [NBC Bay Area]
- SF VC banned from working with his company for one year following insider trading investigation. [Fortune]
Google searches for “write-in” voting surge, proving that people will do anything — even research — to avoid voting for a yucky girl. [CNN]
- Public apology (or is it a public shaming?) planned for teen who defaced Danville war memorial. [East Bay Times]
- Alas, poor Yahoo: The company apologizes and turns email forwarding back on [CNet], and won't do an earnings call this quarter [CNet].