It was early March when San Francisco Supervisor David Campos pushed for an official declaration of homelessness emergency and called for for the city to "build six additional Navigation Centers in the next year, three of which must be built within the next four months." Though the Mayor's office characterized his demands for the additional shelters as "grandstanding" and finding locations for the proposed centers seems next-to-impossible, the Ex reports that the additional Navigation Center proposal will go before a Supes committee on Thursday. In advance of that discussion, SF budget analyst Harvey Rose has pulled together how much we'll need to execute on the plan. Want to take a look at the numbers? Of course you do!
$2.7 million: The annual cost of SF's Mission Street Homeless Navigation Center (an alternative to traditional shelters), which opened in March 2015
75: The number of beds at that Center
$36,682: The annual cost "per bed" at that Center
399: The number of people served by the Center in the past year
268: The number who moved into traditional housing
128: The number who moved into supportive housing
126: The number of people given bus tickets out of town to stay with friends or relatives
11: The number who moved into SROs
3: The number who were "placed into residential treatment" (aka "rehab")
$3.1 million: The estimated annual cost for a second Center at Civic Center Hotel, to open on June 1
93: The number of beds at that facility
$33,894: The estimated cost per bed at that Center
5: The number of additional Navigation Centers that would be built under Campos' mandate (The Civic Center Hotel counts as one of the original six requested)
50-75: The numbers of beds each Center would be required to have
$20.4-$32.6 million: The amount of money it would cost to operate those additional five centers per year
600-900: The number of affordable housing units that would need to be free "to have sufficient stable housing units for Navigation Center residents when they leave the center.”
- 6,686: According to the most recent official count, the number of homeless people living on San Francisco's streets
Facts and figures: Homeless Navigation Center proposal to require up to 900 housing units, $32.6M SF Examiner May 3, 2016
Previously: So NOW We Have A Homelessness Crisis, Supervisor Campos Decides