Cities on the left-leaning left coast are donating in droves to Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Senator and candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination about whom all your (most vocal and enfranchised) friends are freaking out on Facebook.

Well, by way of the Seattle Times, here's a new one for the social media savvy Berners to share: San Francisco has offered up the 2nd most in per-capita campaign contributions of any US city to the Sanders campaign.

Seattle came in first in that metric, with total spending of $596,578 and $893 in donations per 1,000 residents. But San Francisco actually spent more: $669,283 in total spending, although there was a little bit less in per-capita spending here than in Seattle, with $785 in donations per 1,000 residents.

Next up was Portland, of course, and look, right after that it's Oakland, with $202,461 in total spending and $489 in donations per 1,000 residents.

All this info, it should be noted, comes from the FEC and Census Bureau. Sanders' campaign has drawn on small donations, a point on which he and his team pride themselves, but setting those aside for a moment the Senator still has ground to make up in the Golden State. In a Field poll from January the Senator trailed Hillary Clinton's campaign among California democrats with 35% of the vote compared to her 46%.

Related: Photo Of Allen Ginsberg And Bernie Sanders Resurfaces, Recalls Poem To Politician