Car vs. Building. #notavegan #justadrunk

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An upscale butcher shop in Petaluma is closed today after an alleged drunk driver drove his car through the front of the store. Fortunately for everyone, the shop was closed at the time of the crash, and no one was injured. The business, however, may not be so lucky.

Thistle Meats describes itself as a whole-animal butcher shop, and until Monday morning at roughly 1:30 a.m. when 22-year-old Petaluma resident Jason Lopez plowed a car through its street-facing wall, sold hand-made charcuterie, patés, and salumi. The Chronicle reports that police recorded Lopez's blood alcohol content at 0.2 percent, which is more than double the legal limit of 0.08 percent.

“When I saw it, I burst into tears,” owner Molly Best told the paper. “It represents so much hard work. It’s pretty upsetting.”

The Chronicle further notes that a building inspector red-tagged and shut the butcher down after determining the structure was unsafe. Best and her employees yesterday sold some meat out of the back of the shop, and according to a post to Instagram work has already begun on repairing the damaged building.

In addition to the Petaluma location, the meat purveyor has a booth at the Ferry Plaza farmers market.

In March of last year, Best spoke with CUESA about being a woman in a male-dominated industry.

“You put meat and men together, and it’s sausage jokes all day long," noted Best. "That gets old!"

Related: The Best Butchers In The Bay Area