The showdown has been set, and on February 7th the Broncos and Panthers will descend on Santa Clara for Super Bowl 50. For SF residents, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the Big Game in their own backyard, but searching for tickets can be even more harrowing than shopping for affordable housing in the Mission. Fortunately, SeatGeek is making that process a whole lot easier.

Know exactly where you’ll sit. Use SeatGeek’s interactive maps and view-from-seat images so that there are no surprise poles standing between you and the action on game day.

Find the best deals. SeatGeek pools tickets from hundreds of sites in one place, so you can compare options from the web's best sellers without bouncing between tabs. Their patented Deal Score rates tickets by value - the higher the deal score, the better bang for your buck.

Trusted tickets. SeatGeek only works with vetted sellers, and all tickets bought on SeatGeek are backed by a 100% or greater guarantee.

Don’t overpay. Not only does SeatGeek have the best prices available anywhere, but with the code SFIST you’ll get $100 back on your Super Bowl ticket purchase. That’s good for at least a couple of beers, right?

Still nervous about buying tickets? SeatGeek has a special Super Bowl concierge phone line you can call to talk tickets. Call 415-390-0089 to chat with one of their Super Bowl ticketing experts.

This post is brought to you by SeatGeek.