Despite some of us jumping to the conclusion that Super Bowl 50 just seems cursed, weather-wise things could be a lot worse for the face-off of the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers. As noted a couple of days ago and now confirmed by the Chronicle, it's looking to be 70 degrees and sunny on Super Bowl Sunday, despite El Niño and the best efforts of any local, NFL-hating voodoo practitioners.
Yes, it's looking very likely that the game won't be rained upon at all, but will be quite comfortable for players and spectators alike which is good news for Levi's Stadium and spectators in particular, since in sunny weather it gets quite hot in those stands.
Accuweather says it will hit a high of 70 in Santa Clara on Sunday, which could feel like 80 inside Levi's, but that shouldn't be too bad.
But don't go thinking that this means winter is over! As National Weather Service forecaster Bob Benjamin explains to the Chron, "What we’re seeing here is not a discontinuation of El Niño. It’s just a little break in the action. And given its past history, it may even recoup with a vengeance."
And if you were wondering how we're doing with rainfall so far, we're doing OK, and as mentioned earlier, snowpack in the Sierras is the most important factor for how we'll recover from the drought.
Interestingly, though, San Francisco was 54 percent above average for January rainfall with a total of 6.94 inches which also happens to be more rain than has fallen in the last five drought Januarys combined. But towns in far northern California saw some crazy rainfall so far Eureka was 186 percent of average, 12 inches, and Redding saw over 200 percent of its annual average, with 12.68 inches.