'Canned Parrot' Display Baffles, Angers Some North Beach Neighbors:
http://t.co/ebofFoD9CN by @gerikoeppel pic.twitter.com/4sYBvDH2DE
— Hoodline (@HoodlineSF) October 19, 2015
In a somewhat clever, overall harmless joke about the wild parrots of Telegraph Hill, a forthcoming North Beach novelty store called Terrific Street has nonetheless offended a particularly humorless neighbor whose caws Hoodline gives voice to today.
Brady Baltezore, the graphic designer and filmmaker behind the installation, explains, as if he must, that this is what's called an art project, a stunt promotion for the in-progress store, which sounds like it could be great fun. It's "a curated [ed note: ban curation] modern general store for the neighborhood, with a creative, craft and art focus ... it'll be sort of a neighborhood clubhouse, with a retail angle." Terrific Street, as Barbary Coast enthusiasts will need no reminders, was an entertainment district centered on Pacific Street full of jazz clubs and drinking establishments.
Anyway, the NIMBY neighbor is Julie Herrod, from whom SFist will surely be hearing soon! She called the installation at 1534 Grant Avenue "the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in North Beach in the 25 years I've lived here," thus proving she has not lived in North Beach for 25 years.
The Terrific Street proprietors have even hung Herrod's fiery note in the window, which reads "Your window display is a disgrace. Not at all funny, if that's what you think it is. You're in the Wrong Neighborhood. Shame on you."
It sounds like Terrific Street has found their slogan, hanging alongside it the words "Terrific Street: In the Wrong Neighborhood since 2015."