Of course, you already know it's Fleet Week, but here's your Fleet Week Thursday don't freak out reminder: The notoriously-loud Blue Angels will begin practice runs over San Francisco at noon today, so that sound you hear isn't the end of the world, it's celebratory fun!

Though many have criticized the Blue Angels (and have even tried to ban them in SF) as "dangerous and unnecessary," cruel to those with PTSD, or frightening for pets, I will fondly recall my first Blue Angel encounter. The planes screamed overhead as I climbed the stairs to USF's Lone Mountain campus for an exam for which I had. Not. Prepared, and when I arrived, the instructor dramatically canceled class because "who can think in this?" So to me, the Blue Angels overhead is like a snow day, albeit a super loud one.

That is not to say that I am not sympathetic to those who are terrified by the planes' sounds! I hope all of you have found a safe, quiet place elsewhere to wait out the jets, which will be overhead from noon to 4 p.m. today, and from 3-4 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

And about that pet thing? It's true, some dogs are really scared of those sounds (others, like any I've ever had, don't seem to care). But you know what else scares dogs? A passing N-Judah, the garbage truck, when their guardian puts on a hat (true story), and that "other" dog in the mirror. Just give them a cuddle and they'll be OK.

Previously: Blue Angels, City-Wide Drone Ban, And More: Fleet Week Returns To San Francisco