Photo by Todd Quackenbush.


There are few people in your life who will be a better friend than a landlord. They're always there when you need them, they solve your problems quickly, and they do whatever it takes to make you happy. And, if they live in your building, they'll even tell you in person if your music was too loud on Saturday night. Such friendship is worth every penny.

2. 1970s LINOLEUM.

You've spent years cultivating your style; you have some decent art for the walls, some non-IKEA furniture, some mugs in a matching set—what better to complete your new look than peeling and yellowing plastic floors? It adds to that kitschy mystique, and the bespeckled brown-and-beige colorway keeps things nice and earthy. More importantly, if something always looks dirty, do you ever have to clean it?


If you’re in a place without rent control, there’s a chance your rent may go up on a regular basis. But as a renter, you always see rent increases as opportunities to meet new people through your search for yet another roommate to help split the costs. If you’re one of the lucky ones to benefit from rent control, then you’ll learn to love the status quo for a long as possible to avoid paying market rent.


You embrace what makes your apartment uniquely yours. That big splotch on the carpet in the corner of the living room? The dark stains on the popcorn ceiling? Those either add personality to your place, or force you to be more creative about decorating.


Who needs a full-size fridge these days? Renters learn valuable life lessons about getting by with less because, well, there’s not much space. And hey, it’s fun to battle the crowds at the market every other day since 2 days’ worth of food is all you can fit in your fridge. One day, you’ll really appreciate your fridge when you actually have room for that Brita pitcher.

Yeah, so renting isn't always a dream come true. Do you have options? Yes: get a mortgage with SoFi and you may be able to buy a home a lot sooner than you think.

■ Put as little as 10% down with no PMI instead of the standard 20%. That's way less saving when you're already paying for rent, student loans, transit and who knows what else.

■ With SoFi's flexible debt-to-income limits, you may qualify for more financing than what other lenders can offer. That means you can already have student (or other) debt and may still qualify for a mortgage on your dream place.

■ Skip tons of headache with a modern, streamlined application process.

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This post is a sponsored collaboration between SoFi and Gothamist staff.

SoFi Lending Corp. NMLS # 1121636. Terms and conditions apply. View SoFi mortgage eligibility and licensing details here.