High school comedy/drug caper set in L.A. follows a self-professed "90's hip hop geek" who plays in a punk band and gets straight A's. He and his friends find themselves in possession of a shit-load of drugs, and try to utilize the find to help up their high school cred from geek to...dope.
Pixar's latest delves into the mind and emotions of an 11-year-old girl who must face a move to a new city--San Francisco--and the horrors of its broccoli-topped pizza. You can read my full review here.
Documentary about a group of siblings who were sheltered/locked away from the outside world through most of their youth, and how they learned to experience the world through movies, and their own re-enactments. A pretty extraordinary topic for a doc, helped by the existence of hours of footage shot by the brothers themselves.
Frameline Festival - Multiple Venues
The film festival focused on LGBT topics and filmmakers opened last night and runs through June 28th. Read about SFist's Eight Must-See Movies here and check out the complete film schedule here.