By now you likely know more about Rachel Dolezal, the perplexing figure of public debate regarding her birth race vs the race as which she identifies, than you do about people you actually know. And now you're going to learn a little more, as her parents are taking us back to the day she was born.

The former Spokane NAACP President was born to a man and a woman of German and Czech heritage, those two people — her parents Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal — assert. But after Dolezal suggested that that might not be the case, telling NBC that "I haven't had a DNA test. There's been no biological proof that Larry and Ruthanne are my biological parents," [Side note: how many of us have? Yeah, that's what I thought.] Larry and Ruthanne struck back, releasing family photos and describing the day of Rachel's birth in vivid detail.

"It was like one non-stop contraction for two and a half hours. I was like, 'This is a threshold I do not want to cross again.' It was very intense," Ruthanne told the New York Daily News.

"It was special...But we were pretty worn out after the birth." Ruthanne said.

Her parents also told the strange story of Rachel's maternal uncles, apparently hunters who killed "their first bull elk" the day she was born.

"They did a shoulder mount and stored the elk in our house, naming him Augustus. We always looked at Gus as a fond reminder of Rachel's birth," Larry told the Daily News.

"She was a beautiful little baby and so healthy. We were very thankful everything was okay," Rachel's grandmother Peggy said.

But it's clear that the family no longer believes that Rachel is healthy, or that everything is okay. "I know she is ill, I want her to get help," Ruthanne told the Daily News.

"If she has become so ill that she doesn't know who her real parents are, that's extremely concerning... I prayed this morning that someone will connect with her and reach her on a level that helps her. She'll be happiest when she's her true self."

See all of SFist's Rachel Dolezal coverage here