If this video is any indication, the process by which lesbian parents conceive is a long, arduous process.

Haley Jude a.k.a. Queer Mama has been vlogging her pregnancy, and one charming episode documented the process by which she and her partner vetting sperm donors. "You know, all the profile perusing without ever being able to message the person," Jude wrote in Elle. "Then, once you choose, you have to spend the rest of your life with that person."

And very much like online dating, the women had to "consider mostly 21-year-old-ish men"—mainly college kids trying to make a little cash. "Have you ever dated a 21-year-old man?" Jude asks. "I have, and I am so glad I didn't procreate with any of them." Understandable.

Over in her column on Autostraddle, she explains that she and her partner Simone chose to go with the sperm from a total stranger after she suffered a miscarriage when they had a friend donate. Because both partners would be stuck with the resulting child for the rest of their lives, it took quite a while for the two to agree on a donor.

Once they find somebody they both liked, the sense of relief in both women is palpable in the video.

Jude says she's due in early September.