GaymerX, which debuted in San Francisco in 2013 as the first ever LGBT gaming convention, has been a huge success, even earning its own episode on HBO's erstwhile Looking. Now, as Boing Boing highlights, the creators of that conference have debuted a documentary on the same subject called Gaming in Color. For those following the incidents of sexism and bigotry collectively referred to as "Gamergate," it couldn't come at a better time.
"Almost every gamer will relate to the concept of seeking solace in a video game," write the documentarians led by director and queer gamer Philip Jones. "Hope for sanctuary guides their escape into a virtual universe where they can be anything they want to be. For many, however, choosing to be true to themselves becomes an open invitation for hatred. This multiplies for those who are marginalized people, including people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community."
You can watch it all over the place — it's even appropriately available in the Playstation store.