- Google lost a "significant" chunk of the search market in December after Yahoo became the search default on Firefox. [Wall Street Journal]
- Bernal Heights residents are not so psyched that the planning department has eliminated off-street parking requirements. [Bernalwood]
- How the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA cares for squirrels. [Huffington Post]
- Silicon Valley's crappy diversity numbers aren't much better than they were in 1998. [SF Chronicle]
- Cape Town cops impound 34 cars belonging to Uber drivers because, says the city, they are "operating unlawfully." [HTXT]
- Maybe we can put all those people coming here for the Super Bowl in "portable hotel rooms"? [SF Business Times]
- Bike thefts are up 21% across all BART stations, as much as 300% at some. [KCBS]
- Hey, did you watch The Wire? I didn't when it was broadcast, but I'm marathoning it now. Here's how it's going. [Previously.tv]