"I'm gonna go down swinging," 17-year-old Alex Matlosz-Cox says.
Two years ago, reports KRON4, the San Jose teen was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an aggressively-malignant form of bone cancer.
Since then, he's had 16 surgeries, and "countless" chemo sessions, but all to no avail — the cancer spread to his lungs, and now a large tumor is pressing on his heart, and causing his lungs to fill with fluid. Doctors say that while they're hopeful a current set of radiation treatments might help, Matlosz-Cox likely only has two weeks left to live.
However, Matlosz-Cox didn't let his illness get in the way of living: according to CBS5, since September the youth has been checking off items on his bucket list, including flying a private airplane from Palo Alto to Santa Cruz, sailing on a private sailboat, going spear fishing, meeting a former player for the San Francisco 49ers, and driving "at least six different exotic cars."
Speaking to a group of supporters last week, Matlosz-Cox said that "he has learned many things on his journey of treatments, and that everything had served to shape him into the man he is," according to the Milpitas Post.
"He shared three major lessons he had learned throughout this process: not to take life for granted, because it can all be taken away; to not be afraid of death, and to live a life one is proud of living; and to accept things for what they are."