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Finally, in just a couple days, the biggest soccer contest in the world is back after another four years. It promises to be a landmark year for the tournament athletically, politically, culturally. But in its finest moments it's the one sport that can truly claim to unite nations—what better symbol to represent our view of the world than the soccer ball itself? Small and round, it shapes us from the time we're able to totter over to kick it across the grass.

To pay tribute to the sport's mark on the world, Samsung is rolling out a new campaign focused on childhood and the dreams that shape us as we grow. The video above is the hallmark: a montage of the soccer ball as a child's best friend, as seen through the eyes of the ball itself. Providing the soundtrack is a Samsung-commissioned song "I See Your Dreams", by the South African-based Drakensburg Boys Choir. The tune lends the montage a heartfelt backdrop as the boys choir reaches out to worldwide youth just like them with a poignant message about childhood, growing up, and love of the game.


Through the video, kids from all over the world tote their tattered ball to the field, draw formations in the sand with a toe, blow out birthday candles, laugh with friends after school, and go about their lives as their best friend watches over from its nearby spot in the room. It's a great message, one that takes us back to childhood and reminds us of the beauty of not knowing what the future holds. The tagline is right: it's not about where football takes them, it's about what football lets them dream. Here's a look at the touching video: