Have you ever bought Victoria's Secret panties that fell off the back of a proverbial truck? Then, 1) you make some interesting decisions that we would love to hear more about in the comments and 2) you might have bought some drawers allegedly stolen by 55 year old Anthony Robinson.

According to KPIX, Robinson was nabbed last week with over $500 worth of knickers outside the Yelp-three-starred Victoria's Secret in Union Square.

San Francisco Police Department Captain Garret Tom says that that wasn't the first time Robinson is believed to have swiped loads of undergarments from the store.

“He walked into the store on three separate occasions and just started taking panties. He stole 50 pairs of panties on his last visit,” Tom told KPIX.

What could Robinson (or any thief, for that matter) be doing with all of these drawers? The mind reels. The reality's less nutso, however: police believe that thieves sell stolen items like these (yes, even thongs) to fences, who then resell it to people like you or me. More like you, since I've never bought fenced underwear.

After the most recent heist, SFPD investigators checked out the surveillance tapes of the incident, then say they spotted Robinson loitering outside the store in "the same clothes he was wearing in the video."

Robinson was arrested and booked on burglary and theft charges. He reportedly remains in SF jail.