Mark your calendars, dear readers: on Thursday, February 6th, 2014 the editors, contributors and always-insightful commenters of the very site you are reading right this second will gather In Real Life, as it were. We'll be joined by drink specials from our friends at Speakeasy Ales & Lagers, the fine folks behind the bar at Virgil's Sea Room and, of course, all of you beautiful people in the peanut gallery.

Since this is SFist's first IRL meetup in years, expect SFist-branded schwag items designed to announce to other people what a well-read and interesting person you are. Since it's happy hour and you'll need something to put in your stomach, our current favorite hamburger and one of the best things we ate in 2013, the Wesburger will be making a pop-up appearance on Virgil's lovely back patio.

Watch this space for additional details. Until then, consider this your official save the date:

SFist Reader Meetup
Thursday, February 6th
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Virgil's Sea Room
3152 Mission Street (at Precita)