Monday afternoon, a woman walking along the Embarcadero with her two cats in a pet carrier saw her feline friends ripped from her and thrown into the San Francisco Bay. Although fire crews and animal control were able to retrieve the woman's belongings, the two cats did not make it.

The incident occurred around 4:20 p.m. yesterday afternoon, when the male suspect approached the woman near Pier 14 on the Embarcadero, just south of the Ferry Building. The cat carrier containing her two pets was attached to the woman's backpack, which the suspect unceremoniously hurled into the Bay.

According to S.F. Animal Care and Control Captain Le-Ellis Brown, the suspect is described as a 6-foot-tall white male last scene wearing a black hoodie and possibly carrying a skateboard. The suspect description is a little thin at the moment because the victim was understandably distraught yesterday. SF ACC hopes to get more information from the woman later today, but if anyone who may have seen anything near the pier yesterday afternoon is encouraged to call animal care Officer Johnny Hilton at (415) 554-9400.

Meanwhile, we'll be over here comforting ourselves.
