Designer Karen X. Cheng proves that, if willing, you can learn to dance at any age. Do anything, practically. In this video she details her journey from rookie to formidable dancer and the time it took, culminating in a dramatic BART finale.

In Dance In A Year Karen writes:

People who watch me dance today sometimes assume I've been dancing for many years. I made this video so you could see the awkward body that started just one year ago.

Here's my secret: I practiced everywhere. At bus stops. In line at the grocery store. At work — Using the mouse with my right hand and practicing drills with my left hand. You don't have to train hardcore for years to become a dancer. But you must be willing to practice and you better be hungry.

This isn't a story about dancing, though. It's about having a dream and not knowing how to get there [...]

Read more about Karen's life-changing experience here.