Missed the opportunity to get your hands on Google's technofocals and become one of the first to have Google search shoved straight into your retina? (Or maybe you cheated?) Well, here's your second chance to chance to become a next-generation geek. A pair of Google Glass have popped up on Craigslist for the small price of $6,000.

That re-sale value is quadruple the already kind of absurd $1,500 Google was charging their hand-picked early adopters. And there's no real guarantee they'll even work, as Google has already said they'll crack down on re-sales and each pair came tied to a specific Google account. As a work-around, the anonymous owner claims he'll activate them with an empty account and then hand it over — so the buyer will also be getting fresh, completely clean Google existence out of the whole thing. Still: buyer beware.

Now that this has been blogged about, Google robots have already crawled over this and likely alerted someone at the Mountain View high command they they've got a free-thinking Glasser on their hands. The Craigslist post was still up as of this writing, but we reckon it's only a matter of time before an elite Googler promises the seller an absurd amount of money, busts him for Googlecrime and then feeds him incorrect Google results for the rest of his Internet life until he can no longer do math. Or maybe they'll just turn the spam filters off his Gmail. Who knows.
