- The San Francisco Food Bank needs more Turkeys. [Chron]
- Muni Diaries checks out the S.F. Library's "Cussed and Discussed" Muni exhibition. [MuniDiaries]
- A chat with Time Heidecker and Rick Alverson about The Comedy, premiering at The Roxie this Friday. [MissionMission]
- Secretly awesome: the Alcoholics Anonymous house near Duboce Park. [Haighteration]
- Fancy people things: Fall antiques show is See Worthy [SFWire]
- The greatest band press release in the long and mediocre history of band press releases. [AllShookDown]
- Take a look at Kitchen Story, which soft-opened yesterday where Tangerine used to be at 16th and Sanchez. [GrubSF]