Noted vaudevillian and former beatnik Michael Savage has been off the air since last month, due to, well, his Michael Savageness, but the former star plans a dramatic comeback return to the airwaves much to the delight of your grandfather.
"I've got to get back before these (presidential) debates are over," Savage told Matier and Ross on Tuesday. "And when I do, it will be bigger than ever."
Savage is best known for hating homosexuals (especially those with AIDS!), worshiping Beelzebub, and chiding anything not expressly associated with the state of Israel. (He's also a bit of a foodie!) As M&R go on to note, "Before splitting with the Talk Radio Network, Savage - who has a long history of battling with his various bosses - had a listening audience estimated at 8 million, according to the Web magazine Talkers. That made him one of the most popular radio personalities in the nation."
No word yet as to what one of three "major players" will unleash the Savage Nation once again. We'll update as soon as we know more. But probably not.