- As of this writing, results in our Who Does San Francisco Hate More? Poll are literally neck-and-neck, with the Castro Pedestrian Killer leading the Marina Louboutin Lobotomist by only two votes. [SFist]
- Parts of Golden Gate Park near the buffalo paddock are closed due to coyote scares. [Chron]
- Rejoice, meatless types: Vegan goods shoppe Pinko's Vegan Mercantile is coming to Valencia Street in May. [Vegansaurus]
- DogFest finds its way back to Duboce Park this Saturday. [Haighteration]
- Let's bring back the idea of a free UC Education. [LATimes]
- In an art project partnership with the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco schoolchildren were asked to create their own personal hells. [AAM]
- Giants tickets are still a hot item. Probably because everyone wants a bite of that s'mores sandwich. [SFEx]