Billed as an "occu-popup," the cranky folks at Occupy SF plan on gathering in San Francisco's Financial District on Friday, January 20 to protest money and stuff. How can you get involved? Easy. According to Occupy SF, you can simply "[c]hoose a street corner, take a chair and a sign and have your own Occu-popup! Invite friends, neighbors, classmates, congregation, and co-workers to come join your occupation."

Also, if the mood should strike, you can print out one of these flyers and wave it around like a mad person. Here's a special list of admirable and whackadoo participants: "Occupy SF General Assembly and Action Council, Occupy SF State University,Occupy SF Housing Coalition (ACCE, Asian Law Caucus, Causa Justa: Just
 Cause, Coalition on Homelessness, Eviction Defense Collaborative,
 Housing Rights Committee, Occupy SF, QUEEN, San Francisco Tenants
, Progressive Workers Alliance (includes: Coleman Advocates for Children
 and Youth, Chinese Progressive Association, Filipino Community Center,
 La Raza Centro Legal—Day Laborer Program and Women’s Collective,
 Mujeres Unidas y Activas, People Organized to Demand Environmental and
 Economic Rights, People Organized to Win Employment Rights, Pride at
 Work, Young Workers United), Jobs with Justice
, SF Labor Council
, California Nurses Association
, Pride at Work/HAVOQ (Horizontal Alliance of Very Organized Queers), Rainforest Action Network
, Code Pink, Act Now to End War and Racism Coalition
, 28th Amendment Group
, Move to Amend, SF Interfaith Allies of Occupy
, SF 99% Coalition."

But what is this protest about, you ask? According to Occupy Wall Street, Friday's "occu-popup" is an attempt to end corporate personhood. "Corporations are NOT people; Money is NOT speech. January 20th is the anniversary eve of the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, which further privileged corporations over people in our Constitution."

Also, there will be an all-day orientation at Bradley Manning Justin Herman Plaza for more information about getting involved and further mobilization efforts at 6 am, noon, and 5 pm.