This may come as news to most single women in town (at least if you buy into this 2010 piece by Ashley Harrell in SF Weekly), but according to the Daily Beast, San Francisco is the number-eight city on this list of Best Cities to Find a Date in 2012. What data are they using to create this highly scientific list? It has something to do with the percentage of single people, and the average price of a movie ticket.

The highest scoring cities have roughly equal percentages of single men and women over the age of 15 (in S.F., it's 61% each), relatively high salaries in comparison to the cost of a date (our salaries are actually a lot higher than any of the seven cities above us on the list); and generally healthy, non-crazy population, as judged by this Gallup Well-Being Index.

Unfortunately, Minneapolis still ranks higher somehow on this list, and given that they are also purportedly way gayer than we are, as a city, we're starting to get a weird inferiority complex about this. But whatever, Minneapolis. It's fucking freezing there and you're poor.

[Daily Beast]