After getting all worked up over an impending raid on the camp, Occupy SF still stands as of this morning. Despite yesterday's eviction notice from the DPW, Mayor Lee has yet to give any marching orders for the SFPD to clear out Justin Herman plaza. As the Chronicle reports this morning, some Occupiers packed up and headed home last night, reducing the number of tents on the plaza, but there are still well over the 100 tents allowed by the city's new guidelines.

After the Occupy SF-Ed Lee summit reportedly did not go well earlier this week, it seems odd that the Mayor wouldn't follow through on his promises to crack down on the group last night. So what's going on here? Is Mayor Lee being extra generous with the campers, so that City Hall can play up a lenient, compassionate image in the media down the road? Or (tinfoil hat time) does the Mayor just enjoy watching the camp squirm as it tries to figure out how to get its act together?

More likely, it's some combination of both. The Occupiers are already starting to sound a little more buttoned-up in their communications. Writing on their website, the group pointed out they have "unanimously endorsed a volunteer working group to implement immediate changes to infrastructure and camp layout based on that working group's assessment of health and safety standards." Regardless of how effective that working group actually turns out to be, language like that probably does wonders to clean up the group's image with the bureaucrats at City Hall.
