- Pet owners, here's a handy list of apartment complexes and property management groups that will rent to you and your furry friend with minimal hassle. [CurbedSF]
- San Francisco DMV makes more appointments available, which means shorter wait times. Still no end in sight for "in line at the DMV jokes", however. [CBS5]
- The Richmond District apartment scammer gets to live rent-free for two years in the state pen. [BCN/Appeal]
- A shark attack near Monterey put a surfer in the hospital on Saturday. Less than a week after the Monterey Bay Aquarium released a great white near Point Conception. Not that we'd imply they are the same shark, of course. [KTVU] [SJMerc]
- Elected officials and candidates for mayor Leland Yee and David Chiu spotted fraternizing with a known member of an interplanetary smuggling ring. [StarWars]
- Attention, Vacaville: You city's police department is not actually calling you on the phone, asking for donations to build a gang task force. It's a hoax. [KTVU]
- Yet another opportunity to dress up your pet for Halloween tonight. [Haighteration]
- Bruce Kelley, longtime editor of San Francisco Magazine, is leaving for the greener fields of ESPN Magazine. [Garchik]