Media rascal and likely criminal Rupert Murdoch will be in town on Friday, kicking it at the Palace Hotel (2 New Montgomery) while "addressing the National Summit on Education Reform at the invitation of a nonprofit run by presidential brother and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush," reports SF Examiner's Amy Crawford.
While the exact topic of his speech hasn't been made public, he plans to be part of stratergizing issues around "failing schools, learning through technology, and overcoming obstacles to publicly funded tuition vouchers." And possibly the best way to rid the world of gays, unwed black mothers, and anchor babies. Something horrific like that, presumably.
Friday's conference at the Palace will happen mere blocks from where Occupy SF encampment in front of the Federal Reserve Building on Market Street. "One session, called “Don’t Let a Financial Crisis Go To Waste,' may raise their ire," Crawford deftly goes on to point out.