It's Wednesday: time to check the sidewalk boxes for more low cost giftwrap. Should you choose to actually read the weeklies, here's our breakdown of what's worth reading, what's funny and what just isn't worth risking a papercut for:

SF Weekly

Worth Reading: A discussion with Iggy Pop about being old and touring California. And a review of Steven Soderbergh's Contagion which you'll remember was partially shot in San Francisco. No spoilers there, unless you weren't expecting a Bryan Cranston cameo.

Funny: Katy St. Clair delivers on the subject of The Tipsy Pig, "the main go-to spot in the Marina for sex with other people like you". If you didn't know, "The place got its name from the phenomenon of wandering swine noshing on apples that have fallen from trees and fermented on the ground. No one ever seems offended at the metaphor." Delightful, as usual.

Also, cover boy Nato Green (pictured right) also seems like a pretty funny local guy.

Don't Bother: It's the Weekly's turn to deliver their Fall Arts Preview. Which means you can stack this week's issue on top of the Guardian's Fall Arts Preview on the back of your toilet and promise yourself you'll go see some stimulating visual arts exhibits around town until it is inevitably November and you realize everything is horribly out of date. Still, it could be somewhat useful to read up about the galleries and artists around town so you'll have lots of chances to say, "Oh, I heard about that show!" during cocktail parties with people who like to talk about gallery shows.

sfbg_cover090711.jpg The Guardian

(Possibly) Worth Reading: John Avalos gets the September cover for an article about how he's not just a candidate for mayor, but also movement builder. Worth reading if: you already like John Avalos or want to hear about what the progressives are up to from a progressive bias. Bonus: we learn that Avalos very much enjoys a Johnny Cash cover of a Tom Petty song. (Spoiler: it's "I Won't Back Down".)

Funny: There is such a thing as "Potography" - or Pot Photography, if you're too stoned to unravel that unnecessary contraction.

Don't Bother: In the Editorial, Tim Redmond tackles the biggest problem facing the America's Cup plan: how will people get around in their $500 shoes? The answer: hire hundreds of unemployed teens to pilot pedicabs. Problem solved!

Reidinger hits up the Boxing Room in Hayes Valley, which you have most definitely already read about from every food writer in town including Willie Brown.

EBX_cover_090711.jpg East Bay Express

Worth Reading: "Swag" as it pertains to the Hip Hop scene, might be dead. Also, curfews don't work, so stop trying to force them upon the youth, Oakland.

Funny: Both the Guardian and the Express are running Tom Hayden's piece on 9/11 Blindness. It's a good piece, actually - but funny if you find humor in over syndication.

Don't Bother: Hey look - there's news that a pot club is doing well in San Francisco.