MUSIC: Oakland-based Los Rakas, who hail from Panama, blend "hip-hop, reggae and dancehall music with Spanish and English lyricism creating songs that leaves your head noddin' and body rockin' for more, tag teaming the mic with a "tenacity reminiscent of Old School veterans in the hip-hop game, and the energy and passion of the newer artists on the scene." (8 p.m., The New Parish, 579 18th St, Oakland)

BENEFIT: Compassionate Chefs Cafe hosts a fundraiser to benefit the Tenderloin After School Program and the Ghandi Ashram of Ahmedabad, India at tonight's Bollywood Dance Party. Enjoy some delicious Indian cuisine in between shaking your hips to tunes spun by DJ Amar along with special guests Calamity Sam, Robin Sukhadia, plus nonstop Bhangra DJ Jimmy Love and the Dholrhythms dance troupe. (6 to 10 p.m., New Delhi Restaurant and Bar, 160 Ellis Street)

FILM: Drive Angry concludes this month's Nicholas Cage-themed Bad Movie Night series, featuring recent movie roles that the Cagester has taken in order to pay off his major debt to the IRS. It appears that he drives around with blood on his face in this flick. (8 p.m., The Dark Room Theater, 2263 Mission Street)