The search for the official (according to Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area, home of Authentic Bay Area Sports) World Series baby? It has concluded. Say hello to one Brooklynn Olivia Bird of Folsom, CA.

Born on August 1st at 8:02 p.m, the wee Brooklynn is the lucky offspring of Jennifer and Robert Bird. Of 929 expectant moms in the contest, Mrs. Bird popped out little Brooklyn closest to the target time of 7:54 p.m, meaning the child came in to this world exactly nine months and 8 minutes after Brian Wilson's final salute on the mound in Texas that fateful day last November.

Congratulations to the Bird family, who received a commemorative brick with the baby's name at AT&T park, a copy of the birth certificate signed by the team and a $2,010 gift card to the Giants store, where we hear many items are currently on sale. Also, high fives to new father Robert for that respectable 8 minutes.

One more photo of the happy family:


Courtesy photo/CSN Bay Area