Willie's most important date this week was his date with the president. The president and all of the San Francisco Giants. In his recap of the Giants visit to the White House, Willie tells us the boys looked like, "their mother had cleaned them and dressed them for church," which is kind of a cute way of putting it, actually. Although we have to wonder if Da Mayor's eyesight is failing when he says stuff like "I can't remember the last time I saw a pro team without a single bit of bling, scruff or earplugs." Really, not a single bit of scruff?

Anyhow, Willie didn't catch any movies this week, but his attention span lasted long enough to critique Tony Hall's 15 second commercial he spotted on MSNBC. He either loves it or hates it, depending on how you read Da Mayor's sarcasm, but the best part is that Willie claims he thought the former supervisor and was just a wedding singer this whole time.

In this week's "Restaurant News According to Willie", the former mayor gives us a thorough review of the Perry's outpost around the corner from the San Francisco Design Center. Unlike the original Perry's on Union Street, the young staff here "will remind you more of the Apple Store on Stockton". Likewise, the designer clientele makes it a comfortable place for a man of such excellent taste in hats to be seen having lunch. Willie uncharacteristically ordered only a tiny, bird-like meal of breadsticks and a cappucino, like he's a nervous high school kid on a first date.

His companion had a chicken caesar salad, which makes us think his companion must have been a really boring person. (Because only really boring people order chicken caesar salads.) His bill was $39. "Next time I'm having to pay for lunch, I'm taking you to Perry's," he says - as if he's ever going to take us to lunch.

Meanwhile, over in Willie's World, the North Beach Restaurant gets it's bi-weekly mention. Charlotte Schultz (also a frequently mentioned Willie associate) filled the North Beach Restaurant with 2.5 inches of sand and hosted a trivia night for the usual society suspects: George Shultz, Stanlee Gatti, Jo Schuman, Ann Getty, Wilkes Bashford, Matthew Goudeau and the Chronicle's Catherine Bigelow. What followed sounds like the most bullshit game of bourgeoisie trivia we've ever heard of. A sample question: "If you see three buttons, a carrot and a cap in the middle of the field, what have you found?" [Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments.]

Naturally, Ann Getty won by for correctly answering 20 of those children's riddles which are clearly intended for fourth graders. Willie, meanwhile, only managed to correctly answer one question.

[Inside Scoop]
[Willie's World]