In a three-part series on the city budget, the Daily Cal reports that the Berkeley warm water at Berkeley High School will close in December. This makes the second public pool to close in Berkeley in 2011. Billed as a "godsend" for its therapeutic benefits for residents of-a-certainage, the pool will shutter "as the Berkeley Unified School District prepares to demolish the building in order to make room for more classrooms at the high school."

User who frequent the pool, don't fret. "The Downtown Berkeley YMCA, located just down the street from the high school, has a warm pool of its own." However, unlike the warm waters at Berkeley High School, the YMCA will cost you.

Read more about it at the Daily Cal.

Below, a video from bcitizen called Berkeley's Warm Pool Makes Life Worth Living. It was used in the 2010 election for Measure C, a $22.5 million bond measure and parcel tax that would've gone to "rebuild and repair the city's four municipal pools," including the one at Berkeley High.