- Your weekend Giants scores in brief: On Friday, Matt Cain took the loss and the Brewers took the game 4-2. Brian Wilson picked up saves number 30 and 31 on Saturday and Sunday. Scores were 4-2 and 2-1. [MLB.com] [McCoveyChron]
- The new suspects identified in the Bryan Stow case last week are expected to make an appearance in court today. [BCN/Appeal]
- Friends of the folks displaced by last week's 3-alarm fire on Waller Street planning a fundraiser to help them out. [Haighteration]
- Willie Nelson was in town to preach about biofuels and saving the Amazon. For once, it was more of a high-society thing instead of a free concert in the park. There was sponsored Acai Berry Vodka and people talked about the Peruvian legal system. [SFWire]
- More than you cared to know about John Madden eating dinner. [Garchik]
- The Bayview, along with Temporary Mayor Ed Lee, broke ground on a new public library. Locals celebrate. [SFAppeal]
- Hyde-Away Blues BBQ returns in the Tenderloin. Rejoice, sticky-fingered brisket-pickers. [Grubstreet]