As the once-scrappy Apple computer continues it's march to worldwide ubiquity, the iPhone, iPad and MacBook maker has posted a $7.31 billion profit this last quarter. That whopping 125% increase in profits since last year also pushed share prices up over $400, or roughly the price of a contract-free iPhone .

From the company's sales call earlier today, we learn that international sales of iPhone and iPads are responsible for that big jump in profits, while iPod sales have started to slow now that everyone and their cat has an iPhone in their pocket. Those of you worrying about how this windfall for Steve Jobs might affect your personal Geek Cred: the Cupertino-gazers at Techcrunch have pointed out that the shiny, metallic gadgetmaker is within striking distance of overtaking Exxon as the world's most valuable company by the fall of this year. Are Dell's cool again yet?
