In the case of the missing Picasso pencil sketch, a man suspected of lifting the drawing from the Weinstein Gallery is currently in SFPD custody reports the SFAppeal this morning. Police won't confirm yet whether he's the same guy seen on Lefty O'Doul's surveillance footage, but an SFPD spokesman told the press yesterday that the sockless stroller appeared to be their guy. Cops also impounded the cab that carted the thief away from Union Square in order to review that vehicle's security camera footage. (If you're still wondering how he was able to hail a cab at midday - apparently there's a whole line of them outside the Handlery Hotel.) SFPD is holding a press conference with additional details at 10 a.m. this morning. As usual, we'll update as we know more. Updates below:
At this morning's press conference, authorities identified the suspected thief as Mark Hugo of Hoboken, New Jersey. SFPD Chief Greg Suhr patted the department on the back, calling the arrest "an unbelievable piece of police work." Cops traced Lugo's cab ride to the Hotel Palomar at Market and Fourth, but Lugo was eventually found in Napa last night where he was staying with two friends he knew from back East, but who had no idea he had been storing a Picasso at their place. From the looks of things, Lugo had removed the drawing from the frame in order to ship it somewhere and he was also found with some quantity of unknown narcotics on him. Police are awaiting lab results to determine which drug the art thief had on him. In the meantime, the Picasso was back in a frame and is currently being held by the SFPD as evidence for the upcoming court case.
Updates via: [BCN/Appeal]