Vegansaurus founder and SFist contributor Laura Beck and Heather from SF Bar Experiment will host a clothing swap for plus-size ladies on April 10. It's called Fatshion and it's for folks who identify as female and are sizes 12 and up. So, please, don't bring your boyfriend. And chubby chasers? Please stay at home. This is a day for large-ish ladies coming together to swap fresh looks, eat Fat Bottom Bakery cupcakes, and sip champagne. OK? OK.

Since Beck's is such a choice writer, we've plucked some choice information form the Fatshion's FAQ section for your pleasure. Behold:

Q: What is this thing?

A: Sick of the meager choices for women above “straight” sizes and eager to build a community of awesome fat ladies who are going to take over the world (whilst looking like a million bucks), we decided to throw our own clothing swap party! The swap is open to all size 12+ female identifying folks, and we hope they’ll be approximately one million of us at the swap, so tell all the sexy large-and-in-charge ladies you know! We’ve been wanting to do this for awhile, and were inspired to finally make it happen by the adorable geniuses at The Gold & The Beautiful.


Q: Can I bring my boyfriend/size 6 girlfriend/entourage?

A: No, no, and are they all size 12 + female identifying folks? Because if so, hell yeah! We want this to be a comfortable environment for likeminded like-bodied individuals to try on cute-ass clothes, talk hella gossip, eat hella cupcakes, and high-five a lot.

And most importantly:

Q: When and where?

A: Sunday, April 10th at Big Umbrella Studios (906 1/2 Divisadero)! Please drop off clothes from 11a to 1:30p, the swap will be open from noon to 3p. Hopefully lots of you will drop your clothes off closer to 11a (after you drop clothes off, there are lots of nearby coffee places!) (or a perhaps you’d enjoy a stronger drink?), so we can sort a bunch before we open, but if not, we’ll accept clothes until 1:30p and just sort while everyone shops ‘n’ swaps!

You should bring clean clothing in the 12-or-up size range. Make sure it's in good condition, and don’t bring underwear, accessories, shoes, etc. Leftover fashions will go to Out of the Closet, and fantastic organization that helps generate income to fund medical services for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.

RSVP here or visit FatshionTurnToTheLeft for more details.