- Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
- Tom Ford delivers the most sound advice you'll hear all year. [LeFag]
- Just in time for Easter, vegan Peeps! [Vegansaurus]
- Do you like Motown? Well, we cannot stand Motown. Ugh. But we do like Tim Redmond's review of last night Motown-tinged American Idol. [SFGB]
- Straight, white, attractive, young(ish) man will pay $10,000 reward to the person who introduces him to the woman he marries. Will he find love? (Hint: yes.) [Made Man]
- Noted playwright Lanford Wilson dies. Sigh. [AP]
- Alleged NIMBY neighbor has Slim's liquor license suspended. [SF Weekly]
- SF high school staged "extremely realistic" car crash, mock student funerals today. [SFAppeal]