Last minute smartypants fun, folks! Former SFist editor Jackson West and local writer/artist Susie Cagle will host a San Francisco Awl Meetup this evening. And, holy smokes, here are the exciting details:

Fans of the Awl (and related spinoffs Splitsider and the Hairpin) are encouraged to gather, discuss their insecurities and trade therapist recommendations. Have your commenter number displayed prominently so that you can be quickly judged.

We'll be meeting amidst the bright lights and glamor of mid-Market at the Hotel Whitcomb's bar and grill, where you can marvel at the "huntsman's lodge" decor -- complete with fireplace -- and meet friendly people from the flyover states. It's quite popular with bears!

The dry wit starts at 7 and ends around 9-ish at Hotel Whitcomb (1231 Market at 8th) RSVP here.