In a tiny win for the treehuggers on the left, the Bohemian Grove - the mysterious campground in Sonoma County that hosts the conservative equivalent of Burning Man for the members of the boys-only Bohemian Club every year - has been denied their logging plan for the land. The plan would have allowed the group to remove "1 million board feet per year" of Redwood and Douglas Fir trees from the grove for the next 100 years and while we're not exactly logging experts around here - that sounds like a lot of wood.

The logging plan was blocked in a Sonoma County court by the ever-vigilante Sierra Club who, according to the Examiner, called out the Bohemian Club's proposal because it included boilerplate that would have allowed them to harvest from land that they didn't actually own. Various state agencies, on the other hand, managed to miss that fact when they approved the proposal. The Sierra Club will be seeking a "lighter harvest" as an alternative, which means many of the club's members will have to cut back on the amount of wood they burn to heat their cold, empty expanses of their many mansions. And anyway, it's a good excuse to pop over to Wikipedia for a history lesson.
