We start the recap of Willie's Week by backing up to MLK Jr. Day - you'll remember last week, Willie wanted us to know none of the breakfast events he attended had anything worth eating. This week, Willie tells us in his Willie's World column that these events are (gasp!) really just contests for "Who Gets the Most Applause?" Although the tone of these events is always self-congratulating, the political landscape all around Willie's banquet table - events like the MLK breakfast at the Capitol are no longer the "old-boy gathering" they used to be, and now every other person at these things is "Latino, gay, a woman or all three."

Demographics of the breakfast aside, we learn that Jerry Brown not only gives his speeches off-the-cuff at this point, but he couldn't even read his notes if he had them (his eyes: they ain't what they used to be). And, as the Governor says, "I certainly am not going to use a teleprompter because I don't really know how that thing works."

Kamala Harris won the applause contest, if you're wondering.