City officials met on Monday in an effort to combat those pervasive delivery menus and nail salon fliers abundantly placed on our front doors that more often than not get blown in the wind from one house to the next and into the gutter.

The new plan would move the enforcement of handbill violations under the authority of the Department of Public Works instead of SFPD, who would hold distributors accountable if the handbills end up in the street due to not being securely fastened to doors and gates. Violators could be fined $100 for each offense after being issued several warnings.

The plan passed unanimously with the Board of Supervisors Land Use and Economic Development Committee yesterday and will go before the full Board of Supervisors next month.

Although many of us would like to see them banned altogether, leaflets fall under the First Amendment. If you'd rather not have to deal with handbill detritus at all, post a "No Handbills" sign in a 30-point or larger font on your door.

[Via S.F. Chronicle]