PETCO, it seems, wants to open one of their Unleashed stores in the spot that used to house Walgreens at 18th Avenue and Geary. But Richmond businesses and residents aren't having any of it. "Opponents said the chain store will hurt a handful of small businesses within walking distance, such as Cal's Pet Supply that has been in business for 25 years," reports KTVU. "Cal's Pet Supply owner Roy Schmall said he relies on customer loyalty to keep his doors open. He said in these tough economic times, he's able to help pet owners in a way that a chain store such as PETCO can't."

"We're not trying to put anybody out of business we think there is an opportunity and this is not a fully served market that we can make a difference in," PETCO spokesman Kevin Whalen said at a Thursday meeting where pro and con were heard.

Richmond Blog was at last night's meeting. When a representative from CB Richard Ellis, a firm hired by PetCo to help find new locations, " asked the audience what kind of retailer would be suitable to take over the 5,000 square foot space with its sizeable rent?" A high school student suggested an Apple store. Heh.

The bigger question here is what in heaven's name happened to the Walgreens?! We can't just start closing city Walgreens will-nilly. That's insanity.
