THEATER: Clue, "a play based on a movie based on a board game," has been adapted for the stage. The audience watches from six feet in the air as six guests and a bumbling butler navigate a life-sized board game set filled with secret passages. The show was recently extended through February 19.

8 p.m. // Boxcar Theatre (505 Natoma St) // $25

LITERARY: Louise Borden, children’s book author and literary detective, gives an illustrated talk, The Journey That Saved Curious George, based on her book about Margret and H. A. Rey's narrow escape from the Nazis, which inspired The Contemporary Jewish Museum's current Curious George exhibition.

7 to 8 p.m. // Contemporary Jewish Museum (736 Mission St) // $8-10

ART: Conceptual artist Spy Emerson is having an open debate, asking, “Is this Sexist,” in conjunction to her current exhibition of collage works, Books from The Underground Public Library. The debate will feature guest speakers Dottie Lux of RedHots Burlesque, “Kelley” The Singing Cowboy, and moderator Dr. Hal Robins, Church of the SubGenius, followed by a performance at 10.

7:30 to 9:30 p.m. // Jellyfish Art Gallery (1286 Folsom St) // free